The #RevPit editors will be hosting 5 DAYS of work in progress (WIP) critiques on Twitter. Get in-the-moment feedback on your current manuscript! Each day, you can post an excerpt from your work in progress and the RevPit editors will give helpful critiques. The entire week is dedicated to exploring your main character, with each day following a new prompt.

Please refer to the guidelines below.


A chance to receive critiques from professional editors on your WIP, specifically, on your main character!

  • Day 1 Intro —share the first introduction of your MC!
  • Day 2 Dialogue —share dialogue of your MC! It can be internal or with another character.
  • Day 3 Goal —share the lines that first hints at or introduces your character’s goal, or a paragraph that discusses it.
  • Day 4 Flaws —share a hint of your MC’s flaws or fear. That thing they’ll have to overcome by the end of the story in order to reach their goal!
  • Day 5 Body Language —show us how your MC conveys a message with their body.

All you need to do to participate is hop on Twitter, take a screenshot of 100 words max of your WIP and use the #RevPit hashtag! Only one tweet/excerpt per day, but feel free to post every day!


All of your favorite RevPit editors will be there throughout the days and week commenting, critiquing, and encouraging.


On Twitter under the #RevPit hashtag.


Everyday from 2 - 5 pm EST, October 15th – 19th


So you can get real-time feedback from the editors of #RevPit!!

Again, don’t forget to use the #RevPit hashtag or the editors won’t see your work!

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