The #RevPit 2025 Annual Contest Begins March 13th!

In this contest, authors are eligible to receive developmental edits on their full fiction manuscript from professional editors, ensuring their works are polished and ready for agents. Authors will be immersed in a supportive community of their peers and have the chance to learn more about how their story fits into the industry and why different edits matter and how to continue practicing them in the future.

See our Contest Schedule for a breakdown of contest dates.

Note: Non-fiction, poetry, chapter books, picture books, short stories, and projects under 25,000 words are not eligible.

How It Works

1. Meet The Editors

Writers must choose three editors. Editors will hold #MeetTheEditor chats on Bluesky to answer writers’ questions.

2. Submission Window

Once the submission window opens, writers will use our submission form to enter. Only one submission is allowed per entrant.

Check out the How to Submit page to learn about the submission process.

3. First Reader Round

When the submission window closes, the First Readers will read the first five pages for all entries and provide brief feedback to aid the editors.

4. Editor Round

After the First Reader round, the editors will go through their entries.

Watch your chosen editors’ posts on the #RevPit Bluesky, as all editors will post anonymous #10queries feedback as they go.

5. Editors Select Winners

Editors select one winner and two runners-up to receive prizes.

6. Editing Round

The winning author-editor pairs will work together and post revised query letters and first five pages to the showcase on the Revise & Resub blog.

What You’ll Need:

#RevPit is only open to COMPLETED fiction manuscripts. Non-fiction, poetry, chapter books, picture books, and projects under 25,000 words are not eligible.

  1. Your full manuscript
    • A list of content warnings in your full MS
  2. Your query letter and the first five pages of your manuscript in ONE document.
    • A list of content warnings for the first five pages
  3. Your synopsis
  4. A logline
  5. Editor choices
  6. Answers to questions
For full details on what you'll need to submit check out our How to Submit page.

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