It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for, the author-editor pair announcement!

Drum roll please…


THE TEN INCARNATIONS OF REBELLION by Vaishnavi Patel - @VaishnaWrites

Adult Alternate History

Editor: Sione Aeschliman @writelearndream

ABOUT A GOLEM by Nadia Diament - @nadiadiament

Adult Paranormal Romance

Editor: Carly Hayward @fromcarly

A Jewish witch and the punk-turned-clergy of her dreams must heal her broken magic to help a golem become human, because as her parents said, he was “bumming everyone out in the Afterlife.” As their awkward flirting increases, they must decide if their newfound relationship is worth sacrificing the lives they’ve each fought to build.

RUMOR HAS IT by Kaelyn Christian - @kaelynsue

YA Contemporary Romance

Editor: Editor Cassandra @OnlyCassandra

Contemporary retelling of Much Ado About Nothing

BEYOND THE NORTH STAR by Vanessa Montalban - @VVMontalban

YA Science Fiction

Editor: Elizabeth Buege @ekbuege

Starship captain Tethys escapes a corrupt revolution in search of her missing uncle. When she instead discovers an exiled prince, she must work with him to uncover the truth behind her uncle's disappearance and stop a plot to colonize the galaxy.

ADRIFT by Lisa Brideau - @LBrideau2

Adult Upmarket Suspense

Editor: r.r. campbell @iamrrcampbell

In a sailboat off a remote island in the Pacific Northwest, a woman with amnesia finds a note warning her to leave the past alone. She must decide whether to investigate her memory wipe or begin life anew, ignorant of the self—and possible danger—she left behind.

FACTORY DEFECT by P. Andrew Floyd - @pandrewfloyd

Adult Contemporary Fantasy

Editor: Jeni Chappelle @jenichappelle

The Dresden Files meets The IT Crowd. Taryn spends her days troubleshooting wands & potions at MagiMart. When every magical product goes haywire, she must overcome her impostor syndrome and discover the cause before the city is destroyed. Or worse, she loses her job.

HUNTRESS OF THE DEEP by Kitt Masters - @kittmastersauthor

Adult Paranormal Romance

Editor: Tera Cuskaden @TeraCus

High-stakes romance on the high seas in this f/f mashup of Jurassic Park and Pirates of the Caribbean.

DARK GALAXY: EMERGE by Tatiana White - @tatixtia

YA Fantasy

Editor: Kyle V. Hiller @KyleLiterally

Alexia Jacobs, a black teen activist, has electrocuted her father, and now she’s on the run from the political regime he built to police superhumans like her.

HEARTFIRE by Kristina Mahr - @kristina_mahr

YA Contemporary Fantasy

Editor: Holly Ingraham @holly_ingraham

In a world where heartbreak manifests physically as heartfire, love could quite literally kill you.

SEE ME AS I AM by Cheryl Wanner - @WannerCheryl

YA Contemporary

Editor: Katie McCoach @katiemccoach

Irish Rockstar pretends he’s someone else when he meets Jenny, a highly capable blind girl. But as their romance grows, will Jenny be able to see past his betrayal?

LAVENDER ANTHEM by Julie Vohland - @ladyvoh

YA Contemporary

Editor: Kyra Nelson @kyramnelson

Proud and comfortable in her asexuality, Birdie doesn't need a partner to find happiness, but she worries her failing body will prevent her from finding happiness at all.


MG Fantasy

Editor: Michelle Rascon @editorrascon

When a friend asks eleven-year-old Sloane for help pulling off an epic Halloween prank, they whip up a horde of comically cheesy zombies, but Sloane never expected someone to steal her spell and change it. Sloane must discover who tampered with her spell and stop them before they attack again.

THE ARRANGEMENT by Katie LaRae Davis - @The_Katie_LaRae

YA Romantic Fantasy

Editor: Maria Tureaud @Maria_Tureaud

To stop the persecution of her kind, Marie agrees to marry the witch-hating Crown Prince in exchange for royal clemency. She's got nothing left to lose--the boy she loves is dead after all...or is he?

WHERE BLOOD RUNS BLACK by Josie Smith - @_josiesmith

YA Historical fiction

Editor: Jay Whistler @JayWhistler

For Rebecca Steward, bounty hunting is not just a good way to make a living, but a better way to vengeance.

BREAKING POINTE by Olivia Wright - @oawright1

YA Contemporary

Editor: Tiffany K. White @tiffanykwhite

When Anna bombs a major dance audition while her best friend aces it, she decides she's done playing by the rules. If she can't get into her dream school by auditioning, then she'll have to carve her own path—even if it means losing her best friend in the process.


Sione Aeschliman's pick:

THE COLOUR OF WORDS by Kathryn Lougheed - @iloveweirdbooks

YA Mystery/Fantasy

Carly Bornstein-Hayward's pick

THE UNSEEN WITCH by Edie Thorn - @thorne_edie

Adult Urban Fantasy

Editor Cassandra's pick:

BEAST BELOW by Cameryn Frost - @Camerynf

YA Science Fiction

Elizabeth Buege's pick:

ACROSS THE ENDLESS OCEAN by Scott Huggins - @GScottHuggins

Adult Fantasy

r.r. campbell's pick:

CROWNED AND CRATERED by Emily Dietrich - @emilymdietrich

YA Science Fiction

Jeni Chappelle's pick:

THE BALLOON THIEF by Aneesa Marufu - @aneesemarufu

YA Fantasy

Tera Cuskaden's pick:

AFRICAN PRIDE by Rachael Williams - @RachaelEWrites

YA Fantasy

Kyle V. Hiller's pick:

RAINDROPS ON THE RIVERBED by Tas Mollah - @tespata_

YA Psychological Thriller

Holly Ingraham's pick:

WHEN SHADOWS REFUSE TO FADE by Becki Stockton - @BStockton07

YA Fantasy

Katie McCoach's pick:

PUSHING THROUGH by Sita Romero-Payne - @SC_Payne

Women’s fiction

Kyra Nelson's pick:

THESE WISHLESS SOULS by Nessa Reen - @nessa_reen

YA Fantasy

Michelle Rascon's pick:

STARS & CHAINS by J.M. Jinks - @authorjmjinks

New Adult Dark Fantasy

Maria Tureaud's pick:

THE LAST REALM by Sierra Pung - @sierrapung

YA Fantasy

Jay Whistler's pick:

THE GOLDEN PLOVER by Marte Mittet - @MarteMittet

YA Historical Fiction

Tiffany K. White's pick:

THE HOLLOW PLACE by Alex Samuely - @AlexS_Writes

YA Contemporary Fantasy

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